Get involved...

‘Love me Love me not’ is a biannual fashion magazine containing illustrations of fashion items loved and hated by their consumers... Combining humor and beauty in the fashion world!

Feature in 'Love me love me not' by emailing me on:

I am also looking for illustrators who would like to be part of the magazine, so if you are interested also email me on the above address thank you ...

Thursday, 25 March 2010

Stickers around London, look out!

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Promoting fashion dial and love me love me not


external illustrators

"My mom bought me this beautiful floral cardigan last year, but its just too beautiful to wear, and it never leaves the house".

"When I was about nine I went to alton towers, and bought myself a 'nemesis' baseball cap with my hard earnt pennies as a souvenir. It's still agonising to look back at the hundreds of photos with me in that cap".

Jennifer Costello

"My worst item of clothing is a piece that has haunted me for years! I used to wear this massive blue puffer jacket everywhere. Looking back on the pictures of it make me cringe, I used to think it was so cool, when really I just looked like some sort of oversized beehive!

My favourite item of clothing is most definately my Vivienne Westwood bag. I remember the first time I saw her bags, I fell in love instantly, I knew that my god I had to own one some day. On my 21st birthday my dream, that had been 8 years in the making, came true."

Rebecca French

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

"I even wore it for a family portrait and thought i looked wonderful!"

"the heal was more like a mountain of rubber that could have easily lasted a lifetime".

"adidas tracksuit bottoms and bright orange adidas jumper that i thought were amazing!!!"

"I owned a matching green shirt and trousers when i was 9/10!"
"loved them and wanted to wear them to every special occasion!"

"I will always remember the dress i wore to my sisters wedding".

"In the 80's i was obsessed with black and red"