Get involved...

‘Love me Love me not’ is a biannual fashion magazine containing illustrations of fashion items loved and hated by their consumers... Combining humor and beauty in the fashion world!

Feature in 'Love me love me not' by emailing me on:

I am also looking for illustrators who would like to be part of the magazine, so if you are interested also email me on the above address thank you ...

Thursday, 25 February 2010

"I put them on and felt fabulous... You can never have too many pearls".

"I always did it up to my neck... My God it was hideous".

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

"Black patent sandals with toe design, white ankle socks with lace fringe".

Here are some stories to get an idea.

Nicola ... ok so worst outfit ever has to be my bright orange and green shellsuit that i wore non-stop when i was about 8! It was Adidas and you could see me from a mile away! My sister and brother had one too in different colours and we used to wear them out together (how embarrassing). We used to wear them to go football so that my Dad wouldn't lose any of us at the stadium and trust me, that never happened!

Hazal Mustafa... my worst item ever??? the tight white trousers with red and black chineese writing on them that were sold in every single shop in wood green!!! LMAO! we all fort we were rude girls with our hair slicked back to the side!!! hahahaha seriously wot the hell was i doin?? x x x

Socrates Ioannou As for my worst piece of clothing, well to be honest I don't really have one because my stubborn arse would scream till I got something else...

The only thing that comes to mind was last year when I bought one of those new look Addidas fake leather jackets... I tried it one, and yeah I looked damn good... Decided to buy it and wore it that night... I was lookin fresh... Only, whenever I was speaking to people they kept on saying they could smell fish... Not fresh fish; gone off tarama fish... Embarrassingly, when I got home I realised it was me!!! Just to top it off, I bought it in a no-refund shop... Steer away from fake leather peoples...

Demi Pillowcase... hmmmmmmm favourite was my spliffy jacket, it was a black bomber jacket with orange lining and everyone owned one, so one day i made my nan take me edmonton market and i saved up my money, my nan threw in an extra £10 and we brought it, i was so happy because the woman threw in black baggy spliffy jeans, with white stitching, anyway wore the combo anywhere and everywhere, until one day my uncle came round and asked my nan what the hell i was wearing, she was like what?????? he told her what the small guy with the funny looking pipe was doing and she freaked out, chased me round the house and hid the clothes in her wardrobe, obviously i found them, i just made sure i never wore them around her....

Mindy Nettles...the worst thing i ever wore was an entire outfit and i don’t actually remember it, hence why it was such a shock to open up a family photo album and find this monstrosity staring back at me. i was on holiday, it was clearly very hot, my natural eight year olds afro was reatching new heights and im standing on top of some kind of educational ruin. one leg a step higher than the other in a very strong pose, obviously proud of myself. from the feet up - black patent sandals with toe design, white ankle socks with lace fringe, strudy bare legs, white denim hot pants frayed at the edge, white new romantic style ruffled shirt, black embroided waistcoat, worn open, with small coloured flowers down each edge, velvet black choker with jewels and then, crowning glory, three foot hair.

"I thought i looked like a boy clown".

"I put it on and feel stylish, cosy and compfy".

'Massive chinese on them! i thought they were cool ".

'Dolce and Gabbana all sequin wedge (stack and break your neck) platforms"

"Ha, i sound like an advertisement for Mulberry"

"Pleather ankle boots-Booo"

"sexy coat then i left it on the tube".

"Looked like a reject item from the MJ 'Bad' music video".

"I had a pair of gold... yes Gold DR Marten boots"

Monday, 22 February 2010

"My Chanel bag, it makes me feel glamorous".

"It was the most frumpiest and hideous thing i think i have ever owned".