Get involved...

‘Love me Love me not’ is a biannual fashion magazine containing illustrations of fashion items loved and hated by their consumers... Combining humor and beauty in the fashion world!

Feature in 'Love me love me not' by emailing me on:

I am also looking for illustrators who would like to be part of the magazine, so if you are interested also email me on the above address thank you ...

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

love me love me not magazine…

Thank you to all the contributers the magazine has been sent off to print, i will blog pictures of it when it arrives. Please carry on sending illustrations, the blog will continue
Melanie xxx

new illustrations

“...white they were, with a flashing light
that made them look like they were having an
epileptic fit every time I took a step forward.”
Love me not...
Demi Pilavakis

“... ‘You look like a scruffy boy’ she
would say. That never bothered me at the time,
I was a bit of a tomboy anyway and it was sooo
comfy! Looking back, what was I thinking!”
Love me not...
Debbie Brown

“...Roberto Cavalli dress my mum bought
me for my 18th birthday. It’s a white silk
sweetheart cut dolly dress.”
Love me...
Eleni Mavlapas

“...I will be passing them on to my
Love me...
Natasha Pouyiorous

“...It looked vaguely 40s and reminded me
of something out of an American film, maybe
like Bonnie and Clyde.”
Love me...
Eleanor Udall

“The waistcoat was sandwiched between
jean jackets and its lighter denim caught my
eye. I quickly grabbed it and claimed it as

“I love hoodies, any kind!”
Love me...
Tonia Aresti

“...Those lacy tights, they would win an
award for the itchiest things to ever come near
you! I used to cry cry cry when I had to wear
Love me not...
Stephanie Stavrou

“I love my heart sunglasses, as soon as the
sun peeps through those clouds, they’re on!”
Love me...
Emma Roberts

“...Those lacy tights, they would win an
award for the itchiest things to ever come near
you! I used to cry cry cry when I had to wear
Love me not...
Stephanie Stavrou

“… A Thursday night invitation seems like
a drag... Then you spot it… The sex dress.”
Love me...
Zoe Chambers

“...Chitter chatter, went the salesman’s
mouth : ‘You look lovely in that, you do sir,
would you like the trousers to that sir?’
‘No sir, I would not!’ ”

Love me not...
Julian Wickham

“Dungarees in the 80s were my favourite
fashion item, mine were a light denim and I
wore the all the time!”
Love me...
Susan Richardson

“...Yes I looked like Mini Mouse! I stamped
my feet and cried but mum still made me wear
Love me not...
Sarah James

“I had a pair of gold... yes GOLD Dr.
Martens boots”
I had a pair of gold... Yes GOLD Dr Marten boots
when I was about 4 or 5. I never wanted to take them
off, even when it came to going on holiday, I convinced
my mum to let me put them in the suitcase! The harder
part was getting her to let me wear them to the beach!
(Good times).
Love me...
Stephanie Stavrou

“...Fluorescent lime green Kappa Raincoat
which folded into a little bum bag! I used to
take it everywhere with me and felt so cool
whenever I wore it.”
My worst piece of clothing has got to be my fluorescent
lime green Kappa Raincoat which folded into a little
bum bag! I used to take it everywhere with me and felt
so cool whenever I wore it. I think I loved it so much
because my god sister bought it for me and I always
looked up to her so I treasured it. We always wore them
everywhere together. We accessorised with blue hair
mascara, glitter and pink lipstick! Oh dear.
Love me not...
Eleni Mavlapas

kiboko hachiyon

Saw funky orange ones at american apparel and then has flashbacks of bad memories..

bumped into a girl with the same exact pair and same exact size. Asked her as a joke mine has a hole, want to swap...and she said ok..i dont mind...HAPPY DAYS :)
kiboko hachiyon

Jessica Murrieta

“I had way too many pairs of huge bell bottom jeans.”

“...vintage Diane Von Furstenberg wrap dress, it was only four dollars!”
Jessica Murrieta

Kirstie Pidduck

“It’s rather unflattering, so I never wear it and plus it doesn’t seem to match anything else in my wardrobe.”

“Now it’s starting to break because I wear it so much!”

Illustration, Kirstie Pidduck

Marta Wavryszuk

“Hats they’re something I never look and feel good in.”

“Each time I’m wearing it, young and grown up girls are jealous.”
Illustration, Marta Wavryszuk

Mindy Nettles

“...I looked like a big bear!”

“Beaded necklace and ring, a treasured pass down from grandma!”

Illustration, Mindy Nettles